Full-Service Laboratory Testing

Tampa & Broward


Specifications are enforced through quality control in construction. Systematic testing of construction materials is the means by which the architect, engineer, or owner can be sure that materials being used by the contractor are of the quality specified. Our Tampa laboratory holds an AASHTO accreditation, is FDOT certified, and USACE Validated. We are equipped to perform the following materials testing services:

soil testing

  • Classification and Property Testing

  • Limerock Bearing Ratio Testing

  • Moisture-Density Relationship Testing

  • Corrosion Series Testing

  • CBR Testing

  • Sand Cone Densities

concrete & Aggregate testing

  • Compressive Strength Testing

  • Gradation Testing

  • LA Abrasion Testing

asphalt testing

  • Compressive Strength Testing

  • Extraction-gradation and RICE Testing

  • Thickness and Density of Asphalt Cores


AREHNA is staffed and equipped to provide trained engineering technicians at the construction site to perform required tests and inspections related to soils, concrete and pavement systems. When a project enters the construction phase, our team is ready to support the project with inspections, observations, and field testing. Our experienced engineering technicians are ACI and CTQP certified. Some of these services include:

  • Soil Density Testing

  • Concrete Sampling and Testing

  • Asphalt Placement Monitoring and Testing

  • Compaction and Chemical Grout Monitoring

  • Augercast Pile Monitoring

  • Vibro-Replacement Monitoring

  • Foundation Excavation Inspection

  • Drilled Shaft Monitoring

  • Pile Driving Monitoring

  • Load Test Monitoring

  • Soil Anchors / Tie-back Installation Monitoring

  • Vibration Monitoring

  • Post-Tensioned Concrete Monitoring

  • Structural Inspections

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Copyright © 2024 AREHNA | Engineering, Inc. All Rights Reserved.